Montag, 10. Februar 2014

Ruby Red...Again!

Here we are... Again!
Since my first post was about some of the different covers of the book "Ruby Red", by the German author Kerstin Gier, I'd like to present you now three cinema posters of the official movie. The first one is the Russian poster, and you can see Gwen and Gideon in front of some buildings in London. You can see the signet of the council in front of them.

The second poster is the official one in Germany, and you can see Gwen ans Gideon again in front of the signet.

And the last poster is the German Teaser poster, which only shows the signet.

I personally think the Russian one ist the most beautiful, because I like the background much more than the ones of the German posters.
I don't know, if there are some more posters of other countries, because I don't know, if the movie is released in other countries than Germany and Russia. If you have some information about this, it would be great, if you would share them with us ;)
Which Poster do you like?


P.S. The second part "Sapphire Blue" is coming to the German cinemas in August 2014 - I am so excited to see it! And you? :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey!
    Of course I watched movie! When I heard about plans to make it, I couldn't wait for it! But... well, in Poland I could watch it only in internet. There wasn't official premiere, unfortunetly. And I don't now, how it is in other countries... maybe the movie was released only in Germany and Russia? Well, I have to check it.
    Did you enjoy the movie? I think it was nice, beacose actors acted very well (I really enjoyed Maria Enrich as Gwendolyn, she was really good as this character!), they were similar to characters in books, but in my opinion story in this movie is not very similar to book... they changed a lot and it wasn't good idea. Different, needless scenes, different plot... I think there were too many special effects too... but well, it's only my opinion. What do you think?
    PS: Oh, I'm so excited that you came back! Please, don't leave this blog, it's so nice idea...

    1. Hey!
      It's great to hear something of you after such a long time again! You have no idea how happy I am, that there is someone out there who reads this blog (at least once :D)
      So, was the film dubbed in polish or in which language did you watch it? It's sad that it isn't shown in your cinemas, but I think in Russia it was also only shown in a few cinemas.
      On the one side, I liked it. It was just a nice movie with nice actors. But on the other side, I have to agree with you. Totally. Because they changed the whole plot and it just looked like it was made for ... twelve-year-olds. I had the feeling, like something was missing, it did not gave me this feeling, that you get, when you totally descend into a movie, and forget the real world outside.
      Besides, the second part is in German cinemas now, and I haven't watched it yet, but I also do not think that I will do it. Probably I'll buy it on DVD :D Some of my friends totally appreciated the second part, others did not, but I think the only fact they liked it was Jannis Niewöhner aka Gideon :D
      Thanks so much that you answered me, and I would be so happy, if you could maybe write me something about your most favourite books and movies? :)
      Cat :)
